Competitions & Exhibition


Competitions are held regularly (monthly where possible) for paid-up members of the club. We hold both digital and print competitions. Judging is usually the last meeting of the month.

Competitions are judged by external judges or, internally, by the members present. All entries for both types of competition are due-in two weeks before judging or as decided by the Competition Secretary. Digital entries can be sent to the Secretary on [email protected] or brought along on a Tuesday evening to be transferred by either Jan or John. Prints or digital images submitted for competitions should have been taken within the last 12 months to the date of the competition.

Digital images - Up to 3 images may be submitted for each competition. They should be JPEG files with a filename consisting of the image title plus the owner's membership number (if you don’t remember your number, Jean, Jan & John have membership lists).

Print images - Up to 3 pictures may be submitted for each competition. Pictures are to be up to a maximum size of A3 and mounted on a 40 cm x 50 cm mount board. The colour of the mount board is at the discretion of the member themselves. The name of the image and the owner’s membership number should be on the back of the mount.

DPIC Competition - DPIC (Digital Projected Image Competition) is an inter-club competition held by WCPF (Western Counties Photographic Federation). It usually takes place in Exeter early February. Each club can enter 18 images (with a maximum of 4 images per owner being allowed to go forward). We have a panel of 5 members who pick the 18 images to go forward.

Up to six digital images may be submitted to the panel be considered for DPIC. They should be JPEG files with a filename consisting of the image title plus the owner's membership number.

Before the images are sent to WCPF they have to be resized. Owners may resize them themselves before handing them to Jan or let our panel resize them.

The Images must be a maximum format of 1600 pixels wide x 1200 pixels high, so portrait images should be no more than 1200 pixels high.


We hold one main exhibition per year usually in July.  Occasionally, we are asked whether we wish to exhibit photos prints in public places (like the Princess Theatre).

The prints are fixed to boards -

Depending on the number of people exhibiting, members usually get 3 boards to display on. You can fit approximately 3 A4 prints per board.

Mount and print sizes are completely up to the members and there isn’t any age limit on the images.

For the last two years, the annual exhibition has been held in the Methodist Church in College Street.